About Me

self portrait hickory ridge studio


  1. Lana, I guess I'm a little late getting here, but nevertheless, here I am. We sound like two of a kind. I learned about The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek about a dozen years ago. The mother of one of my half great-grand uncles was a descendent of Moshulatubbee. Her name was Eliza Tubbee. She was married to my second-great paternal grandfather, had two children and then passed away, when the youngest was a 'good big boy' (his description of himself). So then my 2nd great grandfather, who was white, married a white woman and had about 10 more children. They almost all eventually moved to Texas and that's how I became a Texas baby a couple of more generations down the line . Been here ever since, almost 86 years.
    I have done genealogy since about 1980 so I've heard a lot of stories.
    A suggestion by a friend last Sunday provoked me to go back and read more about the Treaty. Although it was the Osage Removal that we were discussing, it provoked me to get back to the Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty. Now I'm off to read more about the Osage Removal and others.

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely comment. It's always nice to hear from people that actually read these articles and enjoy them. I need to get back at writing and researching more of these forgotten or soon to be forgotten stories. Thanks so much!


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