Stories of the South - Cairo Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cairo, MS Clay County

Simple, plain, and small are words that could be used to describe this little country church, but it is also oh so dear to me.  This is Cairo Cumberland Presbyterian Church.  This is the church I grew up in, the church where I decided to follow Christ, and where I was baptized.  I grew up in the church on Sundays with my Mom, Grandmother, and Aunt.  I went to vacation Bible school here, sang in Christmas plays, sang solos, played the piano, and led the singing.  Our youth group went out to eat, to the movies, and learned in Sunday school together.  

The inside is just as simple.  There is no stained glass or fancy altar, just simple pine pews with red cushions, but that doesn't mean the message was any less strong.  The original building was a white frame church like many others in our area but this new building was built to replace it in the 50's or 60's I can't remember which.  If anyone has any detailed information on the church please let me know in the comments.  I know I have a homecoming bulletin with all the history somewhere but who knows where that somewhere might be. 

Cairo was founded as a family church by five or six families.  All but a few have passed away, their kids moved away like me.  The cemetery marks the final resting place of the founders.  I haven’t been back since I got married.  I don’t even know if they are having services anymore.  When I left there were only just a few of us that showed up every Sunday.  

This though will always be my first church, my childhood church home.  A lifetime of memories held together by red brick under a white steeple.    

Happy Tuesday my lovelies.  


  1. I hope they are still having services. It is so sad to see churches decline when they were once vibrant centers of worship in the community.

    1. I'll have to check with a lady that lives across the road, the whole time I was growing up the congregation was slowly dwindling away. I have some thoughts on that but I'll keep them to my self. It really is a lovely church, but there are very few people that live in the community anymore and there are believe it or not at least six or seven country church within in easy driving distance from my parents home. It's hard for any of them to maintain members in this day and age.

  2. Yes, they are still having services at the Cairo Cumberland Presbyterian Church.


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