Saturday Snaps - And More Mending

The hubby had pulled a belt loop out of his absolute favorite pair of Cathcart pants. I detest fixing belt loops but it was only one so I said I would try.  When the belt loop pulled out it left a hole. So a patch was needed in the back to have something to sew the loop back to. 

Stage two finds us with the patch sewn on with a back stitch, some quick stitching over the hole to keep it from fraying, and the end of the patch trimmed down on the back and the edges sewn down so they won't fray. 

Last step is to sew the loop back down. I manged to stick the stew out of my thumb when my needle slipped off the thimble. Sewing through many layers of denim is miserable business. Hopefully this will hold up for a while and he can get a little more use out of them.  
