Stories of the South - X-Prairie United Methodist Church Noxubee County

Probably one of the prettiest country churches in my part of Noxubee County is X-Prairie United Methodist Church.  This is the second location for this congregation as the first was built in 1842 on the banks of Plum Creek.  The builders though soon found that the creek overflowed once too often so they moved the church to its present day location.  This church was built in 1850 and is still in use today.  It gets its name from being built at a cross road on the Macon and Memphis, AL Road where there was a grove of trees in the shape of an ā€œX.ā€

ā€œTheyā€ say the sun will show itself today and I canā€™t wait.  Itā€™s dreary and cold this morning and all I want to do is snuggle with some dachshunds and drink coffee.  Have a great day my lovelies and I hope tomorrow will be a Foodie Friday Post!


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